Enterprise Project Management

A project is a limited work engagement with a defined end date or goal. Project management typically involves guiding the participants and monitoring resources in a disciplined, organized manner toward the planned finish. That involves carefully managing the project's constraints - typically considered to be time, money and the scope of the project itself. A project should have defined goals and objectives - keeping costs within budget is one simple example - and may fall within a larger overall goal.

An example of a larger goal is bringing a new consumer product or service to market within a specific time and budget. A number of combined projects - research and development work, design and modeling of the actual device, software creation, marketing campaigns, sales training and so forth - often are grouped as a Program.

Initial project planning is often challenging because some parameters may be unknown - economic shifts that affect budgets, for example or changes in resource availability, or an unpredictable rise or fall in demand in consumer markets. Project planners or project managers try to allow for those potential obstacles through careful planning and organization, often using sophisticated tools and project and program management experts to help.

One of the many challenges in successful project management is communication - keeping all affected parties informed of progress. Project participants are those who are working directly on the project in some capacity - many peripherally rather than full time - but there are typically many others with a vested interest in the project's outcome, including management. Those parties are often referred to as stakeholders. Keeping stakeholders informed of the project's progress is one of the many responsibilities of a project manager. Projects may involve various company resources across divisions, committees, teams, units or other artificial divisions.

Now more than ever, executives are being challenged to "do more with less" and as a result have to be judicious about where they spend their money and allocate resources. Microsoft's EPM solution, built on Microsoft Project Server, helps organizations select and deliver the right projects, reduce costs, drive efficiencies, and ultimately plant the seeds to grow the business.

Benelec Infotech being a Certified Partner for Microsoft has developed a proven, phased methodology that integrates best practices, techniques, frameworks, templates and tools to create a practical, structured solution that meets our clients’ unique business challenges. We will assist and guide your team through the deployment of an enterprise project management solution that will allow you to manage and control both short term and long term projects.

Why EPM Implementation
Enterprise Project Management objective is to deliver systematic approach to project delivery within the organization or extended to your customers. This involves the processes viz.
  1. Project Approval
  2. Project Planning
  3. Project Execution
  4. Resource Management
  5. Team communication
  6. Project Reporting and Analysis
Microsoft Project Technology is versatile scalable and a very good tool for establishing EPM principals. People and Processes along with careful management of cultural change are crucial to the success.

Our Approach
Benelec Infotech in partnership your Project Team will tailor and deploy your Enterprise Project Management System to provide dynamic web based and custom enterprise project management planning, tracking, organizational and reporting capabilities. Using a phased approach (MSF – Microsoft Solutions Framework), Benelec Infotech, in partnership with your Deployment Team, will utilize the Enterprise Implementation Framework (EIF) to gather and document information regarding implementation of your EPM Solution.

Process of EPM Implementation and Roadmap
The EPM Solution adoption process involves three stages, progressing from creating a vision to planning the EPM Solution deployment, and then to implementing the software in your system. During the planning phase, you can establish the processes that will be required for your EPM Solution implementation. The following figure illustrates the roadmap for deploying a Microsoft EPM Solution in your environment.

After you create your vision for your EPM Solution deployment, you can begin to plan your deployment by defining the deployment lifecycle for the EPM initiative, assessing potential risks to the deployment, establishing a change-track strategy and assembling an implementation team. The planning phase does not end when the implementation phase begins. Because the EPM Solution is typically introduced in phases as an organization matures, the planning process is ongoing throughout the deployment lifecycle.

We adore the opportunity to demonstrate the incredible leverage that Microsoft Project, Project Server and SharePoint can provide your organization. During this service, we will discuss your individual needs and demonstrate how optimized project management processes can generate increased productivity gains, operations improvements, and improved financial oversight, all of which will yield the business growth to make your organization better, faster and stronger.
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