Fourfront Security Deployment

Design & Deployment for Microsoft Forefront Client Security
Being a Microsoft Certified Partner backed with 17 years of experience in security technologies, we will help you to protect business desktops, laptops and server operating systems from malicious software by using a centralized management solution called as Microsoft Forefront Client Security. Forefront Client Security takes the advantage of Microsoft server and management technologies that may be familiar to your IT staff to help provide sophisticated protection from malicious and unwanted software and provide centralized event processing, advanced alerting, and comprehensive reporting for Windows 2000, Windows XP, Windows 2003, and Windows Vista operating systems. Forefront Client Security uses innovative defense features to help protect your computing environment from malicious and unwanted software and Microsoft Services Accelerated Forefront Client Security Deployment service uses enhanced design and training to deploy this advanced solution. The Accelerated Forefront Client Security Deployment service is a prescriptive and practical guide that will take you from the requirements to a fully functional implementation in as little as four weeks. It will efficiently lead you through the planning, design, test, and implement phases of the Forefront Client Security solution and demonstrate the outstanding value of consolidated malicious software and security state management.
How the Deployment for Microsoft Forefront Client Security Works
The Forefront Client Security Deployment service can assist you in implementing a Forefront Client Security solution for up to 10,000 client machines. The service capitalizes on the Microsoft Services Delivery Methodology to envision, plan, develop, stabilize (test) and deploy a complete antivirus, antispyware, and security state assessment solution in your computing environment.
Envisioning :
Our consultants will analyze your existing IT environment, malicious software solutions, and requirements to create an accurate vision of your Forefront Client Security goals, business drivers, and solution expectations.
Plan :
We will work with your staff to create a Forefront Client Security conceptual design capable of meeting the malicious software management requirements of your organization, including your requirements for manageability, scalability, reliability, and interoperability.
Develop :
Working with your network and systems engineers, our consultants will develop a detailed Forefront Client Security solution for your environment including the physical and logical layout of Forefront Client Security components, components configurations, testing requirements, and deployment plans.
Stabilize :
The prototype of the solution will be deployed in your test environment to verify design functionality and to train your staff on Forefront Client Security deployment and operations.
Deploy :
We will help your staff deploy, configure, and implement your production environment and will help write operational guidance for your specific workstation and server environments.Our services delivery methodology is based on Microsoft best practices and years of experience in deploying Microsoft desktops and server solutions at various locations. At the end of the project, you will have a fully operational, Forefront Client Security solution that can be expanded to meet the malicious software monitoring, alerting, and response requirements of the entire enterprise.
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